export DISTCC_HOSTS도 좋지만

이렇게 파일로 박아 둘수도 있는데.. 얘가 wins resolve가 가능하려나?

$ cat /etc/distcc/hosts

# As described in the distcc manpage, this file can be used for a global

# list of available distcc hosts.


# The list from this file will only be used, if neither the

# environment variable DISTCC_HOSTS, nor the file $HOME/.distcc/hosts

# contains a valid list of hosts.


# Add a list of hostnames in one line, seperated by spaces, here.





$ distcc --show-hosts




pump mode 쓰려고 cpp만 넣었더니 lzo도 같이 넣어야 한다고 배짼다 -_-

$ distcc --show-hosts

distcc[6919] (dcc_get_protover_from_features) ERROR: pump mode (',cpp') requires compression (',lzo')

distcc[6919] (dcc_parse_options) ERROR: invalid host options: ,cpp



커널 빌드 해보니.. 영 되질 않네.. ㅠㅠ

distcc[3645] Warning: INCLUDE_SERVER_PORT not set - did you forget to run under 'distcc-pump'?

distcc[3645] (dcc_build_somewhere) Warning: failed to get includes from include server, preprocessing locally 

[링크 : https://linux.die.net/man/1/include_server]

음.. cpp,lzo 뺴고 하는데 시도는 하는데 받는 쪽에서 배째는 중 ㅠㅠ

distcc[4515] ERROR: nonblocking connect to failed: Connection refused 

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Posted by 구차니