'dns resolve table'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2009.03.27 windows에서 ipconfig를 이용한 DNS resolve table 조회하기
Microsoft/Windows2009. 3. 27. 16:19
제목은 저렇게 적었지만, 제대로 되는지는 모르겠다.
내꺼에서 해보니.. 의도한 것 처럼 많이 나오지 않는다 ㄱ-

C:\>ipconfig /displaydns

Windows IP Configuration

         Record Name . . . . . :
         Record Type . . . . . : 12
         Time To Live  . . . . : 579879
         Data Length . . . . . : 4
         Section . . . . . . . : Answer
         PTR Record  . . . . . : localhost

         Record Name . . . . . : minimonk.tistory.com
         Record Type . . . . . : 1
         Time To Live  . . . . : 2
         Data Length . . . . . : 4
         Section . . . . . . . : Answer
         A (Host) Record . . . :

C:\>ipconfig /?

    ipconfig [/? | /all | /renew [adapter] | /release [adapter] |
              /flushdns | /displaydns | /registerdns |
              /showclassid adapter |
              /setclassid adapter [classid] ]

    adapter         Connection name
                   (wildcard characters * and ? allowed, see examples)

       /?           Display this help message
       /all         Display full configuration information.
       /release     Release the IP address for the specified adapter.
       /renew       Renew the IP address for the specified adapter.
       /flushdns    Purges the DNS Resolver cache.
       /registerdns Refreshes all DHCP leases and re-registers DNS names
       /displaydns  Display the contents of the DNS Resolver Cache.
       /showclassid Displays all the dhcp class IDs allowed for adapter.
       /setclassid  Modifies the dhcp class id.

Displaying or clearing the DNS Resolver Cache in Windows

ipconfig /displaydns

With the displaydns option you can display the contents of the DNS Resolver Cache

[발견 1: http://www.myptsmail.com/blog/?p=333]

[발견 2: http://www.windowsnetworking.com/kbase/WindowsTips/WindowsXP/AdminTips/Network/ManagetheDNSresolvercachewithIPCONFIG.html]

Posted by 구차니