authorization failed: Could not authenticate to server: ignored NTLM challenge, rejected Basic challenge

이런 에러가 날경우 딱히 해결책이 없다 -_-
리눅스에서 svn co로 하면 문제가 없는데
윈도우의 tortoiseSVN에서만 하면 인증이 계속 실패 

2011.11.16 추가

For Basic and Digest schemes you provide a login name and a password. Like this:
  ISVNAuthenticationManager authManager = new BasicAuthenticationManager( "login" , "password" );

In the NTLM auth scheme you also provide a domain name:
  ISVNAuthenticationManager authManager = new BasicAuthenticationManager( "DOMAIN\\login" , "password" );

[링크 :]

If you are behind a corporate firewall that requires NTLM authentication, you can try a tool called NTLMAPS to check out from Subversion.

If you are using Windows, we recommend TortoiseSVN as a Subversion client.

[링크 :

그냥 로그인시에 "domain\"을 추가해주면 되려나?

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Posted by 구차니