embeded/raspberry pi2015. 8. 9. 10:54

MMAL은 VideoCore 용 멀티미디어 컴포넌트 인터페이스 이다.

MMAL (Multi-Media Abstraction Layer) is a framework which is used to provide a host-side, simple and relatively low-level interface to multimedia components running on VideoCore. It also provides a component interface so that new components can be easily created and integrated into the framework.

There is no requirement that all the components be running on VideoCore as MMAL doesn't put any restriction on where components live. The current implementation for instance provides some components which can be run on both host-side or VideoCore (e.g. the splitter component).

[링크 : http://www.jvcref.com/files/PI/documentation/html/] 

문제(?)는 이녀석은 범용은 아니란거

VideoCore란거 자체가.. Broadcom 꺼다 보니.. 결론은 Broadcom용 제품을 효율적으로 쓰려면 이녀석을 써야 한다?

VideoCore is a low-power mobile multimedia processor architecture originally developed by Alphamosaic Ltd and now owned by Broadcom. Its two-dimensional DSP architecture makes it flexible and efficient enough to decode as well as encode a number of multimedia codecs in software, while maintaining low power usage. The semiconductor intellectual property core (SIP core) has been found so far only on Broadcom SoCs.

[링크 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VideoCore] 

아무튼.. mmal을 바로 쓰는 motion 프로젝트도 존재

[링크 : http://www.rasplay.org/?p=4910]

다운로드 경로가 dropbox라고 되어 있는데 경로가 안보이길래 검색..

[링크 : https://www.dropbox.com/s/0gzxtkxhvwgfocs/motion-mmal.tar.gz]

    [링크 : http://embeddedday.com/projects/raspberry-pi/a-step-further/install-motion-mmal/]

Posted by 구차니