프로그램 사용/xrdp2016. 2. 14. 22:06

흐음.. 걍 맘편하게 포기하고 mate desktop 정도로 가야하나?

결론은.. 12.10 이후로는 안되는거 보면.. gnome3의 문제일지도 모르겠...네?

Question 3 – Which Alternate Desktop Environment can be used with XRDP solution ?

Answer : Since Ubuntu 12.10, you cannot use the Unity Desktop Environment.  Since Ubuntu 13.04, you cannot use the Gnome-Fallback Desktop Environment. 

You can use the following alternate desktops : 






We have not tested the Cinnamon interface yet but we think it would not work as it’s based on recent Gnome Desktop. 

[링크 : http://c-nergy.be/blog/?p=5984]

'프로그램 사용 > xrdp' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by 구차니