클럭 문제일까 생각해서 기본적으로 잡히는 클럭이 얼마인가 찾아 봤는데
400Mhz 라고 해도 기본 내장 PLL로 클럭을 돌린다던가 하는 문제(?)가 있는 듯.
The CCCR, shown in Table 3-20, controls the core clock frequency, from which the core, memory
controller, LCD controller, and DMA controller frequencies are derived. The crystal frequency to
memory frequency multiplier (L), memory frequency to run mode frequency multiplier (M), and
run mode frequency to turbo mode frequency multiplier (N) are set in this register. The clock
frequencies are shown below.
Memory frequency = 3.6864 MHz crystal freq. * crystal frequency to memory frequency multiplier (L)
Run mode frequency = Memory frequency * memory frequency to run mode frequency multiplier (M)
Turbo mode frequency = run mode frequency * run mode frequency to turbo mode frequency multiplier (N)
The value for L is chosen based on external memory or LCD requirements and can be constant
while M and N change to allow run and turbo mode frequency changes without disrupting memory
settings. The value for M is chosen based on bus bandwidth requirements and minimum core
performance requirements. The value for N is chosen based on peak core performance requirements. |
메모리 클럭은 3.6864 MHz * 27 = 99.5328 MHz
CPU 클럭은 메모리 클럭의 x 1 = 99.5328 MHz
CPU 터보클럭은 CPU 클럭의 x 1 = 99.5328 MHz
음.. 그렇다고 해도 100 MHz 에서 고작 25KB/s 로 JTAG 작동하는건 좀.. 너무 이상한데 -ㅁ-?
CKEN은 어떻게 보면 PM(Power Management) 역활을 한다.
필요없는 장치에 CLK를 인가하지 않음으로 소비 전력을 줄일수 있다고 한다.
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